Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dr. Spock Lives In The Guest Bedroom
We're consumed by research. The public library is busy checking in and checking out all of our books about how to raise children. We're going with the 'better safe than sorry' approach to this process, but who knows about all the information we're ingesting? We've read so much in the last couple of months that we've inevitably come across some conflicting opinions. Fingers crossed we'll have a nice base of information to go to when the child throws our new found education back in our faces later on.
When this is all said and done, we may just write a Complete Idiots Guide To Debunking Research On Raising Children. The coffee table books have been replaced with books like Einstein Didn't Use Flashcards and What To Expect When You're Expecting, at least the baby name books have been shelved.

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