Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sea Change(s)
What an incredible 2 years we've just lived. From a picture perfect wedding in Colorado Springs (above) to buying our first home, from new and exciting career opportunities to living abroad, we've had some amazing days together. But nothing can quite compare to learning of what's in store for us next. Angie is pregnant with our first child and by the end of this year we'll be parents! And amongst all of the great memories we've accumulated in the last 2 years, the moment we spent in the doctor's office watching our next generation in motion through the ultrasound ranks as one of the greatest (and scariest) experiences of our lives.
The excitement of what's to come is tempered with nerves and anxiety but we know what an honor and responsibility it is to care for a child and we look forward to sharing the experience with our friends and family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A nice spot to get wed. Gl with the baby SW.