Monday, February 18, 2008

You Know You're a Parent When:

A poop is a huge deal.  

Alan had us worried, we’ve changed so much about his diet (Mom’s diet) that he got a little backed up.   So, one day without a poop became 4 days and we were looking into ways of ‘encouraging’ a movement. (The mere fact that this is a blog subject makes me feel a bit too ‘fatherly’)

But today, Angie hit the high notes and declared a Eureka! moment from the changing table, thus ending the what must have been uncomfortable time that Alan has been having.  A poop made my day...


Anonymous said...

I usually have the same face when I'm constipated.

jeffray74 said...

I'm sure he's gonna love that story when he get's older. Probably ruined his chances with that hot girl in his English class.